newest artist, DMAJOR. Anusha, Shibani and Apeksha make up the trio that has roots in NYC, Sydney, London, Mumbai and Pune. You might already be familiar with Anusha, the MTV VJ. Well she sings like a dream and together with her sisters, Apeksha and Shibani, they are all set to become an international sensation.
While their songwriting is in English, the beats and rap sections have punjabi, hindi and sometimes even some Marathi thrown in. The music production is very hip hop, r&b and contemporary.
DMajor is currently in recording and choreography studios, putting finishing touches to their debut album and the live show. This note is purely to give you an early heads up on the fact that there is a brilliant new act on the horizon. We will update you as the project evolves, however in the meanwhile should you be interested in booking them for a show, brand association, do feel free to reach out to us,
Technical Rider : 3 Cordless High Quality Mics. A CD Player for the backing Track and a Mixer for 1 Guitar input. ( I will share the diagram once i have it).